Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy new year!

Wishing everyone all over the world a peaceful happy new year!

Jun Togo
Peace picture Books

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thank you AGGREY! - Love and Lies

AGGREY MUGALLAH sent us a message regarding our picture book 'Love and Lies'.
Thank you, AGGREY!

i would arge you to surpport your book with scriptures,to back-up the reality about GOD.Thanks anyway for the work u r doing!!!blessings!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thank you Jay - We are special

Jay sent us a message regarding 'We are special'. Thank you Jay!

daedr sir

Its about time some one decided to say how it realy is .
If we want to be treated well we have to do it to some one ells first it happens by example.

Did God not say do to others that you would have done to you. in other words LOVE your nieghbour and your phoes and God will do the rest.

from jill a christian sister. God bless you.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thank you Magdalena Ugorowska - Introduction

Miss Magdalena Ugorowska kindly introduced my web in both English and Japanese as follows on her face book page.

Thank you, Miss Magdalena Ugorowska!


Hey guys! Please, have a look on the page below. It was created by my friend, Jun Togo, who has a wonderful dream of world wide peace☆ I wish your dream come true!!♪ If you share his passion, please click "Like it" that is below each short story window^^



Thank you Ata-ur-rehman - How to make your child a criminal

Ata-ur-rehman sent us a message regardng our picture book How to make your child a criminal.

Thank you, Ata-ur-rehman!

Our child is not able to punishment.We pass time as a good friend.Their moms also advise as a friend. Punishment make criminal our children.My mobile no is 0092--3067499669 I am Romeo Doctor . I am From Pakistan

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thank you Senthivel - Pavlov's dog

Senthivel sent us a following message. Thank you, Senthivel.

Nice work!

Hi! My name is Senthivel and I work on transformation of people. That human beings are conditioned puppets is obvious. But, the real help is to help people from misalgined thought and behaviour to aligned thought and behaviour!

We have uncovered that secret and helped many transform themselves!

Our website is

Speak to us for one hour and you will not be the same person again! Conditioning will become powerless and new input will take over!

Looking forward to friendly mutually beneficial relationship!

All the best!

Love and regards

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thank you bornforwater -We are Special

Bornforwater sent us a message as follows regarding We are special.
Thank you, bornforwater!

Liked it. And it's very, very true. Makes one think of a certain country, doesn't it...?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thank you Paul - The Gentle Giant

Paul sent us a message regaridng The Gentle Giant.
Thank you, Paul!

The story gives us thoughtful lessons about misunderstanding motives and the consequences of ignorance.

At a higher level I do believe there is good and evil. There can be as much harm, or more, to ignoring that reality as there is to judgment with imperfect knowledge. My faith in Jesus Christ gives me hope in dealing with this world's circumstances and my limits in comprehending it, yet knowing there is a perfect judge of justice and mercy who can instruct us on good and evil.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thank you Doris - Love and Lies

Doris sent us a message regarding our picture book, Love and Lies.
Thank you, Doris!

This is the best advice I have heard and learnt that its not good to pretend but instead be as frank as a new blank page of a book.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thank you Avrohom Bilgrei - We are special

Avrohom Bilgrei sent us a message regarding 'We are special'
Thank you,  Avrohom Bilgrei!

Your message is so obtuse it ceases to be a viable comparison to any reality!
There is no inference of choice or "obligation" pertaining to any protagonist.
Without any choice or obligation it serves no purpose or have any social redeeming value.
Had the stone had any empirical quality that innately warranted respect and loyalty predicated on some material significance to the "purple" than perhaps loyalty would have been dictated and the "color" would have represented a foundation for regard by the children, less that the only reasonable reinforcement this nonsense indicates is for blind adherence to some arbitrary empty moral relative conditioning that fosters nazi like fealty to arbitrary geography.
The only thing that is suggested here is of the futility of blind agenda rather than purposeful, positive conditioning and the potential value thereof.
This is an old psychological illustration of how prejudice can be conditioned into the naive mind, BUT in a broad brushed manner it gives no 窶彡ontext窶・ nor suggest what context 窶彡olor窶・might be a viable indicator of anything, such as a stop sign, traffic light etc! Some people are color blind and therefore the 窶徨ed窶・light is always on top, as the 窶徨ed窶・stop sign is always within a six sided plaque.
Not very deep, sophomoric at best.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Thank you, jerome sealza - Pavlov’s dog

jerome sealza sent us a mail regarding 'Pavlov's dog.'
Thank you, jerome sealza!

I'm very much thankful for all the ideas I've makes me easier to come up my report and understanding it well.....hope you could add more info again from your website..

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thank you again AMARKINE AMARTEIFIO - Love and Lies

AMARKINE AMARTEIFIO sent us 3rd message, this time, regarding Love and Lies.
Thank you for your thoughtful message, AMARKINE AMARTEIFIO!

Any higher power who cannot bear to leave people alone to whatever life they choose for themselves is not worth our thought and attention.
When you love someone, you do not make rules or commandments for them. Neither do you make it obligatory for them to pay attention to you. You do not frighten or blackmail them with imaginary consequences for not paying attention to your needs.You do not impose your idea of what is good on them. You simply allow them to choose what they want, even if those choices aren't what you will opt for. You allow them to be all they choose to be. A large part of the wisdom people have,is the result of the freedom they have had to make their own mistakes. We only become more,after we have experienced what is less! True love is freedom!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thank you again, amarkine amarteifio -We are special

amarkine amarteifio sent us second mail regarding peace as follows.
Thank you again, amarkine amarteifio!

We are all born whole, in spite of whatever physical disabilities some may have. But when we lose the wholeness and integrity of our minds, we see the world in bits and pieces, each separated, unrelated and opposed to the other. We then create systems of thought as well as religions that emphasize the difference between us and other people. This provides us the cover and moral justification to either eliminate those who are not like us, or who think differently from us. That is why all the religions and systems of thought in our history have been contradictory to the best in our nature----love, unity, and shared humanity. When a person is whole in their minds and heart, they naturally see and regard all people as noble and whole as they consider themselves.
Amarkine Amarteifio,artist, Ghana

Friday, July 23, 2010

amarkine amarteifio -We are special

amarkine amarteifio sent us a message as follows.
Thank you, amarkine amarteifio!

I have always believed that the mark of greatness in people is not what they have that others do not have. Great people are those who recognize how common they are. They are people who can bear to live with the fact that they are as common as all other people. Our greatness is found in our common humanity!.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Never give Up; new picture book

We up-loaded our new picture book, 'Never give Up'.
We have not put links to the page yet, but you can see this from the link below.

Never give up; ―To those who have little will power―" ;;our new picture book

Sie.Kathieravealu - We are special

Sie.Kathieravealu sent us a peace message as follows.
Thank you, Sie.Kathieravealu!

There is trouble in Sri Lanka. It seems to be never ending. One accusing the other. The reasons given applies to both parties on most occasions.

I am a peace activist. In my opinion it is the so-called Leaders, who are professional poiiticians, created all these troubles, because they have no other way to 'control' the people for their own benefit. The 'professional' politicians do not want the troubles to end through fear of loosing their 'earnings'.

So the people have to be made aware of the true situation. Your picture story can help IF it is spread by unbiased non-politicians.

I will do what I can

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thank you Sakura - Storm and Lake

Sakura sent us a message reagarding our picture book, 'Storm and Lake' as follows.
Thank you, Sakura!

I appreciate the simplicity of the story but the very strong message it conveys. I teach youngsters and soon, this material will be of help to me in illustrating very important points - hope in adversity, cooperation, among others. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank you, Beholdaredhorse - We are special

Beholdaredhorse sent us a message/question as follows regarding our picture book, We are special.

Thank you for your mail!

And please be advised that the picture book is fiction and is not related to any real people.

Let me see if this makes me an anti-semite or what.

crystal = religion (particularly and specifically Zionism)

the purples = the Jews / Zionists

the park = The West Bank

How close is that?


Friday, April 16, 2010

Thank you Ila - Pavlov’s dog

Ila sent us a messager regarding Pavlov’s dog.
Thank you, Ila!

this picture relly help for my assingment. i hope this web will exist for all pyschology student. tq

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thank you Chris - The Gentle Giant

Chris sent us a message regarding our picture book, The Gentle Giant.
Thank you, Chris!

Hi I really liked your book. It reminds me of a concept in pscyhology called the fundamental attribution error. It says that many people attribute people's outward demeanor to personal traits.

I also agree that as a society, particularly in the U.S., there is too much diametric conflict e.g. good/bad, right/wrong, black/white.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thank you Rem - Pavlov’s dog

Rem sent us a message regarding Pavlov’s dog. Thank you, Rem!

Very funny and relevant. It makes you learn not just know.... Thanks!

Electronics Engineer and an Education Student

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thank you, Mihiretu Freneh - Love and Enemies

Mihiretu Freneh from Ethiopia sent us a message regarding Love and enemies.
Thank you, Mihiretu Freneh!

Am 2nd yr Engineering student in EiABC-AAU IN Ethiopia, I really want to appreciative u for brief message I suck a lot of knowledge from it...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thank you, Sharonah - We are special

Sharonah sent us a message regarding our picture book 'We are special'.
Thank you, Sharonah!

Hi Jun,
I love your ideas of making a simplistic picture book for all people to better understand world, and more importantly, self conflict. Although you claim that the "We are Special" story doesn't imply any specific peoples, it is obvious that the "Purples" who deem them selves special, are referring to the Arabs that live in Israel. The only descrepncy that I see is that the Arabs do not actually have airplanes and tanks, thank Gd. And the people that "hate" them don't throw stones or try to kill them to get into their "park". Also most of the world does seem to sympathize with the "Purples". This is due to the media propaganda. Hey if they want to dye your hair purple fine but you can't make the rest of the world dye their hair also just because your crystal says you must make them or kill them. What's that about?
Bottom line is I live here, as did my spiritual and physical ancestors did for thosands of years. What the media doesn't show you is that 20% of Israelis are Arabs and live in Israel side by side with Jews under Israeli rule, and have a very good life now that Israel is a modern country. I know because my children do play in the park with their children and I shop in the same malls with their parents.
The Arabs that you see on TV are the ones who unfortunatly got stuck behind the "Greenline" and through no fault of their own are now being oppressed by the PLO.
When factories and businesses are forced to close in "The Occupied Territoties" due to political pressures, who ends up suffering and losing thousands of jobs? Mostly Arabs who live in this area and are just trying to earn a descent living for their families just like anyone else. Unfortunately governmental bodies like the PLO and other Arab nations have much to gain by oppressing them and inciting anger and hatred and lies towards us in order to keep power.
Individuals need to step up and take control and stop letting their governmental bodies tell them what to think.
Peace and Good Luck,
Living in Ariel, Israel, trying to make a difference,
P.S. I would love to tell, one day when I have time, a different version of "We are Special". I hope you would consider it for your website.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thank you Anthony -juvenile crimes

Anthony ahoch deng sent us a following message.
Thank you, Anthony!

iam really very happy,for your peace picture book. we need peace in sudan.we need peace in south sudan and in whole world.thanks God help you.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thank you, Adam! - Magical Glasses

Adam sent us a message regarding Magical glasses. Thank you, Adam!

I absolutely feel for these issues and I feel i understand what you try to convey about the difficulty & dangers of black / white, good / bad, on / off, yes / no judgements. And I feel you are onto a great potent way to illustrate & learn these ideas. But in your story is few minor problems to smooth... first i not quite understand the connection between good/evil and eating/not eating.? Also when the good people kill the evil people.? This means killing evil people is good behaviour.? assuming they are actually evil people, cos in your story the "black" color people are the "evil" people - you mean about racist judgements.? also if i were to kill an evil person that is better than killing a good person, for example my conscience & karma is better from killing the evil than killing the good..!! but one must kill in a righteous way..!! for example the honour in challenging for a duel, rather than encarcerating in prison for a decade in solitary then mechanical termination of life..!!

my point is that you could incorporate into your story about a righteous way the evil people are killed and that they are indeed evil (not simply different racial heritage) cos then i feel the perspective becomes more engaging and precise for more people..

anyway - all the best and good luck for you stories..

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thank you, aslam pervez,kolkata - Just a flower

aslam pervez,kolkata from India sent us a message regarding Just a flower.
Thank you, aslam pervez,kolkata!

peace-top priority peace process begins in heart and gradually spreads towards world.
permanent enemies of peace are the evils of greed.jealousy.egoism.egotism, giving birth to hatred,selfishness,bad-politics,racism,fear, which makes the web of various kinds of evil designs to subjugate others on the pretext of .....


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thank you Moses! - We are special

Moses sent us a message regarging our picture book We are special.
Thank you, Moses!

This is quite thoughtful. It is a message that should go round the world especially to a countries where intolerance is the order of the day.we do pray for God's grace to be able to tolarate others while mindful of our own shortcomings.

Moses from Jos, Nigeria.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thank you Michael! - The Gentle Giant

Michael sent us a message regarding our picture book, The Gentle Giant as follows.
Thank you, Michael!

This is a very, very important message that everyone, everywhere needs to keep in mind.

I think this picture book should be taught in schools all over the world.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thank you Haru - The Endless Story

Haru gave us a message regarding our picture book, The Endless Story.
Thank you, Haru!

violence will never solve the problems.what Mr monkey's and the gangs are doing is evil.killing will never solve a problem it'll only add the load of the problems.this story is really meaningful.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thank you Izzie7, - We are special.

Izzie7 sent us a message regarding our picture book, We are special as follows.
Thank you Izzie7!

If you are trying to explain antisemitism as a natural result of the giving of the Torah on mount Sinai, you should be aware of the saying of the sages of Israel that "why is it called Sinai? Because it brought hatred (Sina in Hebrew) to the world. However, the same sages were unwavering in their devotion to God and and His Torah.

Your confusion is in thinking that Jewish separateness is self imposed and arbitrary. Quite the oposite is true. It is a result of the God=-given requirements of the Torah and the necessary rejection of the dominant religion or culture popular in any time or country.

Jews have founded or lead to the founding of two if not three of the dominant religions in the world and assimilated Jews have made contributions to science and culture outrageously out of proportion to their small numbers. This has not decreased antisemitism. The oposite is true.

The least antisemitic country in he world is the US, because it is a multi-national people. Orthodox Jews are no less different from Americans than they are from French or British, who are far more anti-semitic. Your thesis is faulty as far as Israel and the Jews are concerned. And even if you were right (which you are not), your solution is national suicide and extinction. We prefer to continue and look foward to the final redemtion. Those good people that support us will earn their reward and those that oppose us will deserve their fate. It is your choice, not ours.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thank you Briggs May - Pavlov’s dog

Briggs May sent us a message regarding our picture book Pavlov’s dog.
Thank you, Briggs!

I'm grateful to have discovered your site. I am a sad and depressed person with very little hope for/ faith in the world around me. It's comforting to know that there is someone out there that sees our problems the same way I do. It looks like we are outnumbered. In my prayers and dreams I can see a simple message like yours eliminating the ignorance, selfishness and hatred that surrounds us and threatens to kill us every day. Keep doing what you do.