Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank you Dickson - The Endless Story

Dickson sent us a following message.
Thank you, Dickson!

i love peace and i don't understand why human beings can anyhowly kill each other.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thank you Valerie from Canada - We are special

We have received a mail from Valerie regarding our picture book 'We are special.'
Thank you, Valerie!

Holy moly that could be or actually is a picture book that could explain the insanity that is Israel - Palestine or that Mideastern conflict that seemed to have been going on for what seems like forever.

Valerie sent us another message, which is as follows. Thank you again, Valerie!
---------------------Apr. 29th 2009------------------------------
I wonder if another "message" that could be read into the book "We're Special" is that if you advertised your "special" status, you tend to make adversaries and I hate to say this, but I think Israel had that problem for they constantly proclaimed themselves to be the "chosen people" of "the divine powers that be."

Thank you Sirina - The Endless Story

Sirina sent us a message as follows regarding our picture book, The Endless Story.
Thank you, Sirina!

im an international relation students,since this year is my graduation year, i had to chose a subject for my memoir.
in this context, i chose the sudjct of child soldiering because i really care about what s happening to them.
my remark, killig is easy for these poeple even the good ones, how come???????????????
you are right, this is an endless chain...
i think people are rellyiong on them selves instead on justic to take their revenge. they do not even ask they believe their eyes instead of investigating and looking for the truth.
justice has its men, i think the problem is located in the minds of poeple as well as in the fact tha poeple do not trust their justic system.
however, nothing in the world justifies this mass killing even revenge. killing one person will lead to a more and more killing.
i think the best way is raising awarness about this issue and sendind a message of tolerence and love.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thank you Lily - Love and Lies

Lily from China sent us her message to us regarding our picture book Love and Lies.
Thank you, Lily!

Thanks for this picture book.I am from China.I did suspect a little bit sometimes if he was sincere as he said:"I love you"to me.We are in the two different cultures.After reading this simple picture book--it's simple but plain---I really began to think this way:"He says so out of love,not orders."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thank you Charles - Magical Glasses

Charles sent us a message regarding our picture book, Magical Glasses.
Thank you, Charles!

What is the story all about? the end he puts on his glasses because he does not want to see the real situation? Is this sippose to be biblical?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank you Helen - We are special

Helen sent us a message regarding our picture book 'We are special'.
Thank you, Helen!

I think we should establish good relationship with all the people around us, so we can help each other and support each other in the reality life. only do this, we can feel happy and not alone.