Friday, January 1, 2100


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Uploaded a new picture book - "Ally of Justice"

We have uploaded a new picture book, of which title is "Ally of Justice".
This picture book was written as a mental exercise for the readers who already have a basic understanding of 'good and evil addiction'.


Ally of Justice

Friday, October 6, 2017

Uploaded a new picture book - "Pacifism?"

We have uploaded a new picture book, of which title is "Pacifism?".
The theme of this picture book is on the the illusion of right and wrong, which may lead one to a street killing.



Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Uploaded a new picture book - "God, Good and Evil"

We have uploaded a new picture book, of which title is "God, Good and evil".
It is about the faith in god and an illusion of good and evil.


"God, Good and evil"

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thank you Aboo -Love and Enemies

Aboo sent us a message regarding our picture book "Love and Enemies".
Thank you, Aboo!

Traveled lived, and worked in Europe and USA. Lectured and taught drawing in the Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.

"Love is a precious quality. Usually we can do justice with our enemy. We cannot love our enemy, unless we first love life. To understand what life is, we must have knowledge of life. Otherwise we cannot be seriously interested in life."

Monday, April 15, 2013

Thank you Jen - Never Give Up

Jen sent us a message regarding our picture book NEVER GIVE UP.
Thank you, Jen!

Right now my feelings and thoughts still a bit confusing on how I can cope to the pictures and apply to myself on how I can manage things in me so that it should be properly done....I think I should read more so that I could understand fully and apply on a day to day basis...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thank you Alfred - Love and Enemies

Alfred Malambo sent us a message regarding our  picture book 'Love and Enemies' as follows. Thank you, Alfred!

Indeed its very difficult to trust your enemy even when its a genuine present looking at the world we leave in nowadays. Again lets choose what type of gifts to give to our enemies because its difficult for your enemy to receive anything eatable in fear of being poisoned or lets try to open the present as we represent to our enemies if we really mean well.